Thursday, December 24, 2009

Well this is interesting and unexpected.

But I like it. :)

On a side note, new post!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

1. What worries you most about dying?
Making others feel sad. I want to have a family, but when I die, I don't want my family to be so grief-stricken that they can't function. I'm saying this kind of ironically, because if someone in my close family died, I'm sure I would react the way I wouldn't want my future family to react.

2. When you die, how do you want people to react?
I want for people to be able to say, "Wow. What a person he was." Hopefully that will be the case. My funeral is going to be so awesome. I really wish I will be able to go. I'm gonna rent out a freaking amusement park.

3. Would you want to know when you are going to die?
Nah. What's life (or death) without some surprises?

4. If you knew you only had 3 months to live, what would you do?
Probably not that much differently. I'd tell everyone that I love that I love them, then I'd be ready to face God and spend eternity with Him.

5. Do you believe in a life after death? How does your view in this regard impact on your overall attitude towards death?
If by 'life after death' you mean eternity in Heaven, then absolutely!

6. What has exerted the strongest effect on your current attitude towards death?
My Christianity. My relationship with the Lord has taught me to not really be afraid of death, so, while the situation in which I die may be scary, I'm not particularly scared of death itself.

7. Do dying people have a right to know that they are dying?
I guess so.

8. Should dying people be encouraged to talk about dying?
Death is part of life, so to discourage discussion is kind of silly.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Everyone's going home for Thanksgiving.

I want to go too.

Only 3 weeks of the semester left! I'm excited. I just want to go home and see all my friends and be with people I know in a city I know. College is amazing, but every so often you just have to go home, ya know?

Working on 1st movement.


Saturday, November 21, 2009

So you see, there's this girl...


Thursday, November 19, 2009

You know what I need?


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wojciech Kilar sure knows how to create something special. His Orawa is such a different kind of piece. Please look it up if you haven't. It's really something.

So it's kind of frustrating hearing people talking about going home for Thanksgiving while I'm going to be stuck in Oklahoma.

But that aside, I have a presentation I have to write about sibling relationships...and I'm an only child! This should be interesting.


Sunday, November 15, 2009

So for Thanksgiving, guess who doesn't get to go home!


I have to stay up here, and I won't get to go home until Christmas. Oh well...hopefully I'll be able to grub on a turkey sandwich or something.

So I finally ordered Les Mysteres des Voix Bulgares Volume 4!!!!!!! I'm pumped. ITunes doesn't have it, so I had to order it off 8 bucks with shipping...can't beat it!

Boomer Count = 671


Monday, November 9, 2009

Economics exam tomorrow. Oh, the joys.

And that's me up there!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

I think I'm going to make this blog a little "concert hall" of sorts. I love to write music and I would love for others to hear it.

I'm not sure how many people will ever see or listen, but let me know if you drop by.

Here's a playful little piece for a woodwind choir. The instrumentation is a little bit out of the norm, but I think it makes it special and interesting.

Copy and paste the links into your browser.
